Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Revolution in Man Evolution

A Revolution in Man Evolution

Ahmad Shammazadeh

About my first paper
About “Behar Al Anwar”

Divine Project for Adam Creation
An Important notification

An enlightenment on the theory
Who are Homo Sapiens?

Jinn (Homo Sapiens) in Koran
Some important facts in the first 13 verses of “Jinn chapter” of Koran

Homo Sapiens’ Specifications in the view of Science and knowledge

Scientific justification of the theory

New discoveries, new enlightenment
These Ancient Elongated Skulls ARE NOT HUMAN
Extremely bizarre skulls
The Star child Project
DNA is the math of biology
About the Author
Some of documentary links in this case

This article is based on some religious sources. If you don’t believe in God, don’t study it, please.
I think It’s the time to uncover the secrets of human creation and his evolution to specialists and public:
- I started to study anthropology personally, since 1976.
- I finished my first paper on anthropology, on 1987.
- My paper published in a Persian scientific periodical, on 1998.
- Through this research which based on some scientific and religious sources, I came to this conclusion:
If anthropologists and other researchers would like to put an end to their confusion, bewilderment and astonishment, when confront strange objects in discoveries and monuments, must believe in three creatures, in the process of human creation and evolution, and distinguish between them in their studies and papers:
1. Neanderthals, a kind of human who were the result of evolution according to Darwinism, and were living on Earth for some hundreds of thousands of years; and the process of physical evolution has been completed by them.

2. Homo Sapiens, who were living simultaneously with Neanderthals for some decades of thousands of years; and never are extincted.

3. Modern Human from generation of Adam and Eve, appeared on Earth on neolithic age.

About my first paper
Before I would write my paper on 1987, I was believed in these Trinity Worlds of beings on Earth, but only when I found an important document on 1986, I started to write my paper. This document is a Hadith which I found it in the Adam Creation (11th) volume of Behar Al Anwar and it is certified, unique, and basic hadith which I could build my theory on it.

About “Behar Al Anwar”
It is one of the hadith books including 110 volumes. These kind of books are a collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad among Sunnis, and of the prophet Mohammad and Imams among Shia, that constitute the major resource of guidance for Muslims apart from Koran.

Divine Project for Adam Creation (The text of the hadith)
On the time when seven thousands of years were past from the living of Jinn (Equal to Homo Sapiens) and Nasnas (Equal to Neanderthals), The Almighty God was willing to create a creature with his own hands (Directly, not on nature principles or evolution), and in his dignity was the creation of Adam.
He took the curtain of the heights of the sky and said to the angels: "Look at the earthly people, including my creatures, jinn and Nasnas."
So when the angels saw them guilty of corruption and bloodshed on the earth, they were deeply distressed to them, and they were angry with God, and they were dismayed at the people on Earth, and they could not prevent their anger.
Then they said: "O Lord, you are great and mighty, and powerful with great dignity; these are your weak and desolate creatures who are in your hand and live by your daily bread and enjoy the blessings of your health; yet they are doing such sins, and you do not regret them, and you do not get angry with them and do not take your revenge from them; this is an expensive issue for us, and we are astonished at you”.
So, when God heard these words from them, said: "I would like to make a successor on Earth, as an eminence from my side to my creatures on Earth."
So the angels said: "You are pure and glorious. Do you want to place someone on Earth who will corrupt, as the descendants of Jinn are corrupted? And bleed as the descendants of Jinn bled? And they be jealous and grieving to each other? So it is worthwhile to put that successor from us. We do not grieving and are not jealous, we do not torture and bleed, and we thank you and we will celebrate you …”
So the Lord said, "I know, what you do not know. I have chosen to create a creature with my own hands, and from among his descendants select the prophets, the apostles, and the beneficent servants and the leaders who lead pretty other peoples, and I will place them as successors from my side to my creatures on Earth, to prevent them from disobedience me and to warn them of my punishment. And guide them to obey me and bring them in my path and destination.”
I will remove Nasnas from my own land and cleanse Earth from their existence. And I keep the rebellious and sinful Jinn at a distance from my creature, and place them in the distant places in the sky and on Earth.”
So, they will not in the neighborhood the generation of my creature; and I will establish a curtain (the quality of this curtain is the Time) between Jinn and my creature. Therefore, my creature do not see Jinn, and do not associate and intercourse with them...”
So the angels said: “Our Lord! Do! whatever you want, because we know nothing except what you have taught us, and you are the wise."
It’s a translation of the pages 103 and 104 of 11th volume of Behar Al Anwar (old version) on interpretation of verses 30-32 of Surah Baqarah of Koran.
An important notification:
Whatever you have read, as the Divine Project for Adam creation and whatever Almighty God promised to do, are done:
1. The rebellious and sinful Jinn (Homo Sapiens) are forced to leave Asia to southern and central America and some planets about 14000 years ago.
2. Neanderthals extincted about 12000 years ago.
3. Adam and Eve appeared on Earth in neolithic age about 10000 years ago.

An enlightenment on the theory:
Who are Homo Sapiens?
Since Altamira (caves in France) paintings about 35000 years ago, and even before, there used to live an especial creature so called Homo Sapiens on Earth, which created those paintings.
That means, Homo Sapiens were living on Earth, thousands of years before extinction the huge populations of Neanderthals all across the world, and they simultaneously were living with them, decades of thousands years.

They are not human beings, because were created from energy and Human beings were created from matter (According to Koran). Of course that does not mean they have no physical bodies; because matter and energy are interchangeable to each other. Their body shape is as human beings with some differences, in general.
A part of them are still living on Earth, but in another Time and their Time is different from ours, to be no communication between us and them, normally.

They are highly intelligent and have so much abilities, and capable of doing nearly everything. Because they started living on Earth so long before us, they have an advanced civilization and are way ahead of us in many aspects, such as scientific and technological progresses.

According to the achievements of anthropology, religion for them was so much valuable that he had been built massive stone or megalithic buildings for his beliefs. (Like the Megalithic temple of the island in the country of Malta).

But the modern man does not ask himself, how they used to build these huge monuments as well as the dolmens and menhirs, which are still not capable for today's man to build them!!
We can say only: These prehistoric monuments should only be related to another intelligent specie apart from man, who were able to work hard and capable to high speed, who is called Jinn!!
Every special historic monument or mysterious and strange objects that discoverer have found all over the world and written about them in their books and articles, belong to them.

So called UFO belongs to them. Could man do such actions?:
UFO swallows American Chinook Helicopter:

Jinn (Homo Sapiens) in Qur’an
Notification: In the whole of Holy Qur'an, it is pointed out to approximately one hundred and fifty verses, about or related to Jinn.
More over, there is a chapter specialized to Jinn under the title of Jinn with 28 verses.
In addition to these, a chapter expresses some of the characteristics of man and jinn; as well as the blessings that Allah has bestowed equally upon each of them, which is called "Al Rahman"
In all of these chapters and verses have been considered many facts in many aspects about Jinn.
Some important facts in first 13 verses of “Jinn chapter” of Koran:
1. Say (O Mohammad) it has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn listened (to this Qur’an). They said ‘verily’ we have heard a wonderful Recitation (This Qur’an)!
2. ‘It Guides to the Right Path and we have believed therein, and we shall never join (in worship) anything with our Lord.
3. ‘And He, exalted is the Majesty of our Lord, has taken neither a wife nor a son (for offspring or children).
4. ‘And foolish among us (Satan or polytheists among the jinn) used to utter against Allah.
5. ‘Verily’ we thought that human and jinn would not utter a lie against Allah.
6. ‘And verily’ there were men among mankind who took shelter with the males among the jinn, but they (jinn) increased them (mankind) in sin and transgression. (Through this verse, we know in a period of history man was in communication with Jinn. According to this matter we can claim Egyptian Pyramids are made by Jinn.)
7. ‘And they thought as you (human beings) thought, that Allah never send any messenger.
8. ‘And we were seeking for a way to reach to heaven (as like as before); but found it filled with stern guards and meteors!
9. ‘And verily’ we used to sit there in space listening stations (for Eavesdropping) but anyone listens now will find a flaming bullets in ambush (following him).
Explanation about word of ‘Now’: It’s the time of descending Qur’an on 610 A. D. For this reason many of Jinn civilizations fell down since this time, specially in Southern America, like as Nazca and Mochica.
10. And we know nothing about whether evil is intended for those on Earth, or whether their Lord intends for them a Right Path.
11. There are among us some that are righteous and some the contrary; we are groups having different ways (with so much varieties).
12. And we think we can never stand against Allah in the earth, nor we can escape Him by flight.
13. And indeed when we heard the guidance (This Qur’an), we believed therein, and whosoever believes in his Lord, then no fear for him and no a decrease in the reward or an increase in the punishment.

Homo Sapiens’ Specifications in the view of Science and knowledge:
According to former anthropologists and historians such as Wheel Durant in The history of Civilization, Gordon Childe in The movement of history, Nesturkh in The origin of the man and Dolandolon in World History, Homo Sapiens have their own characteristics which in many ways are not match to the characteristics of current human being; including:
1. They appeared on Earth about forty thousands of years ago and their works during the Neolithic period, show they have own special civilization.
2. They were usually tall, with a skull volume greater than the skull volume of the current human being.
3. They have many races and numerous species, and it is not known whether they would have unique origination.
4. Their various racial groups, have been scattered in the most parts of the world at the same time. An ethnic group of them has migrated from Asia to Europe.
5. They were in conflict with Neanderthals for long times.
6. The works and signs that remained from them, are considered by the anthropologists as majestic and magic, and they have also used geometric shapes in their paintings.
7. Their early works are not beautiful, but step by step they have turned into talented artists, so that their art has peaked in the late Paleolithic period.
8. In their paintings is not left a human face. Their Paintings are often obscure and strange. The faces are usually masked, or similar to animals.
9. Thy believed in the world after death, and sacrificed to the grace of God and paid attention to religion and covered their genitals.
10. They have own culture and have past a period of civilization.
11. There is no clear and compelling reason for their extinction.
12. They have been similar to the current Eskimos, culturally and physically.
Scientific justification of the theory:
One of the reasons justify my theory is that it’s corresponds with the time of the American continent being inhabited one time more, historically and anthropologically. Wikipedia:
The history of the Americas (North America, South, Central, and Caribbean) begins at the height of the ice age on the continent as the Asian people migrate.”
It’s more than10,000 years, humans live on American continent…
The ancestors of today's indigenous peoples were Paleoindians. They were hunter-collectors who migrated to the North America. The trendiest theory in this case, claims that immigrants came to the Americas continent through the Bering Bridge, the land masses currently covered by the North Pacific Frozen in the Strait of Bering…”
«Eventually, about 14,000 years ago, from Asia, through the way of what is now called Bering Strait, arrived in the Americas. From these first Americans remains stone inscriptions, cemeteries and some other things».
The second reason for justification my theory is that we know the huge populations of Neanderthals during some hundreds of thousands of years were scattered across many parts of Earth, then between 12000 and 11000 years ago, suddenly disappeared from the planet!!
This has engaged the minds of many paleontologists, anthropologists and other researchers who looking for a logic and acceptable reason for Neanderthals extinction; but none of them could obtain such important reason yet.
If you would like to know the main reason, refer to this link please:
Main reason for Neanderthals extinction:
Other justifications for the theory in according to studies of anthropologists and prehistoric researchers, as came in above:
- Homo Sapiens were in conflict with Neanderthals for long times.
- There is no clear and compelling reason for their extinction.
- They have many races and numerous species.
- Thy believed in the world after death.
- Their various racial groups, have been scattered in the most parts of the world.
New discoveries, new enlightenment
- At that time the efforts of the researchers and in particular, the current anthropologists to prove that “there is another existence apart from human beings” will come to a good result, which exploit their achievements in the direction of prospecting and making the future; otherwise they will only supply some data for the future generations.
- Don’t underestimate the UFOs. By the data we have got through the article about Homo Sapiens (Jinn), now we know UFOs better than before, and the future belongs to whom know UFOs better permanently.
- An important research by Michael Snyder. I transferred it here to write my points of view (In parentheses) on it, according what has delivered about Homo Sapiens in this article:

These Ancient Elongated Skulls ARE NOT HUMAN

Extremely bizarre skulls
Are you ready to be confronted with evidence that will directly contradict the version of “world history” that you were taught in school? In recent years, hundreds of “extremely bizarre skulls” have been discovered all over the planet. Scientific tests that have been conducted on some of them conclusively prove that these ancient elongated skulls are NOT HUMAN.
Many people are not able to accept what you are about to see because it is too radical for them. But the truth is that ancient texts have been telling us about these “hybrid beings” (They are not hybrid, because they are an especial and independent beings) for thousands of years. There are even some ancient Indian traditions (It’s not only traditions, but the history confirm this matter too.) that claim that these creatures were in North America before the Indians were. In fact, there is even one ancient Indian tradition about a war between a tribe of Indians and a race of red-haired cannibalistic giants. The Bible refers to these hybrids as “the Nephilim”, (They are called in the Muslims holy book of Qur’an: Jinn) and as time goes by the evidence keeps piling up that they were very, very real.
Down in Peru, particularly on the Paracas peninsula, researchers have been finding some very large elongated skulls that are extremely ancient. On his Facebook page, Brien Foerster posted a photo of one of these ancient skulls that still has red hair on it…
Another specimen with red hair was just recently discovered. But this one was the skull of a young child.
These elongated skulls are much, much larger than normal human skulls would be. Purposeful cranial deformation can change the shape of a skull, but it cannot increase the volume of the skull.
In addition, these skulls have quite a few other important physical characteristics that greatly set them apart from normal human skulls. Brien Foerster discusses some of these key differences in the following five minute video
In a recent interview with the Examiner, Foerster explained that his research has led him to the conclusion that these creatures are either “a different species” or are “a mix of human and alien DNA”… (on Earth we call them homo sapiens and a part of them who migrated to space, we call them aliens)
Examiner: In a recent video, “Alien Hybrid Human Baby Found In Peru?,” you show the remains of a baby with an elongated skull as well as a fetus with an elongated skull. Do you have any theories why these babies may have developed naturally with misshapen skulls? (Because this small skull is not belong to a baby. Anthropologists call it baby because they don’t know they are different in many fields, in many aspects, including body size.)
Foerster: These examples are completely natural in shape, and have enormous cranial volume. They are either a different species from us, or, possibly, are a mix of human and alien DNA.
A sample of the red hair from one of these skulls was sent to a lab to be analyzed. What was discovered was absolutely mind blowing. You can watch researcher L.A. Marzulli discuss what the lab found starting at the ten minute mark of the following video
Other teams of researchers have come to similar conclusions about these ancient elongated skulls. For example, the following is an excerpt from a Daily Mail article that was posted back in 2011
A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens.
(Peru is the center of a kind of them that could fly to space and sit in the space listening stations.)
(From the 16th of January to the 12th of April 1992, in the Fountain salon of Eur Exhibition-Rome, objects from the Southern America civilization were exhibited to show the Incas’ ancestors and their civilizations. The report was presented under the title "Myths of Peru in Rome" in the February 1992 issue of Saint Anthony Vatican.
I could visit the ancient objects, would be related to my ideas in the anthropology field. At the exhibition, I saw ceramic figurines confirming that Southern America had been in charge of Jinn, since long times ago and they had used to go to the space!!
I believe and insist on my belief that the lines and designs on the ground in a wide dimension, such as the ninety-meter bird so called Golden Wings Bird of the Nazca civilization, to be seen from above have been considered as an Airport!!
In this exhibition, one of the statues has a special cap with a pair of special headphones that is equipped with a receiver with a small dish with a helical-shaped connector (as a collector) for transmitting waves emitted to the ear and connected to the right ear.

This sculpture is a wonderful art because the artist has been able to show the state of the space listening in the face and especially in the eyes of the statue!!As mentioned before, the jinn had been listening in their space stations for Eavesdropping the revelation, but since descending of Qur’an, it was forbidden, and afterwards their civilizations are fallen.)
The strangely shaped head – almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body – has baffled anthropologists.
It was one of two sets of remains found in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi.
When an international team of anthropologists studied the skull that was found, they also agreed that it was “not a human being“…
Davila Riquelme said three anthropologists, from Spain and Russia, arrived at the museum last week to investigate the findings and agreed it was ‘not a human being’ and would conduct further studies.
He added: ‘Although the assessment was superficial, it is obvious that its features do not correspond to any ethnic group in the world.’
Another ancient skull that has caused a lot of controversy in recent years is the so-called “Starchild Skull”(not child, but normal size in their species.). The following is a photo of the “Starchild Skull” compared with the skull of a normal human…
The Star child project
Obviously the physical differences are very great. But the Starchild Project wanted to go even farther. They wanted to do extensive DNA testing on the skull to determine how close to human this creature actually was…
For 13 years we at the Starchild Project have known the Starchild Skull came from a being that was not entirely human, if human at all. First, it shares no physical characteristics with a normal human skull—none! Unfortunately, this astounding divergence in physical points of comparison never impressed mainstream scientists because they could, and often did, glibly explain all of them away by insisting: Nature can do anything! But that was never true. (of course it’s never true, because many atheists like as Richard Hopkins when can not solve the problem and because wouldn’t like to accept truth, relates every thing to the Nature and put the Nature instead of Almighty God)
DNA is the math of biology:
Nature actually functions by strict rules that confine life to well-defined boundaries outlined by the unique genetic code of each species. No laws are more firmly established than the laws of genetics. Fifty eye-witnesses can say that a person committed a crime, but if DNA shows otherwise, the witnesses are ignored. DNA dominates in courts because it is the math of biology. It says what it says, again and again, with consistency you can stake your life on.
When they came back, the DNA test results were absolutely shocking.
The following is a brief excerpt from the report
In terms of this all-important mt DNA in the Starchild, our geneticist has recovered four reasonably large fragments which together total 1,583 base pairs, or 9.55% of the 16,569 base pair total for humans. As before, this is only a partial result, but also as before, it is highly indicative of what the final result of a full mt DNA genome analysis will be.
Within those 1,583 base pairs, the Starchild carries a grand total of 93 variations that are different from the extremely highly conserved human mt DNA genome. That is 93 in only 9.5% of the genome! It’s already near to the maximum of 120 variations in human mt DNA. If we do a simple but highly reliable mathematical extrapolation, expanding the 9.5% out to 100% (times 10.5) we find that 93 established variations extrapolates out to 977 variations!
You can read the rest of the report right here, and I have posted video of researcher Lloyd Pye discussing the Starchild skull below:
For even more on all of this, please check out my previous article entitled:
The evidence continues to mount that “people” other than humans once roamed the earth. The Bible refers to them as “the Nephilim“. Other ancient texts have other names for them (in Qur’an: Jinn). The Paiute Indians claim to have once fought a war against a race of red-haired cannibalistic giants in Nevada. In fact, a handprint from one of those giants can still be found in a nearby cave.
But many people out there will never be willing to even consider any of this. Since it does not fit with the “accepted view of history” that they have always been taught, they will just dismiss all of this without even evaluating the evidence.
About the author:
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream. Michael’s shocking new book about the last days entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on It is shaking the world of Bible prophecy to the core, and it is being called one of the most controversial Christian books of 2016. If you would like to check it out, you can find it right here. (According to this matter, my article must shakes world of theists not only world of Bible prophecy. Because in The Qur’an is explained many specifications of them which no book you can find like as Qur’an introduce them with details.)

Some of documentary links in this case:

Pharaoh Akhenaten And The Mysterious Elongated Skulls Of The Ancients Part 1 of 5
First Jan. 2019, Ahmad Shammazadeh,

یونیکا – اخبار مهم روز ایران و جهان – یکشنبه ۱۶ دی ۱۳۹۷