Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Paracas Peru Elongated Skulls: Evidence They Were Born That Way

Evidence That Aliens HAVE Visited Earth

Bizarre Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain

سید رضا زنجانی منتقد جدی روش و منش خمینی ‏

سید رضا زنجانی منتقد جدی روش و منش خمینی
محسن کدیور

نقل از صفحه Massih Mashrghi
سی و سومین سالگرد خاموشی آن که بر جنازه مصدق نماز گزارد
آقا سید رضا زنجانی و آقا سید روح الله خمینی شاگردان آقا شیخ عبدالکریم حائری یزدی مؤسس حوزه علمیه قم بودند. هر دو فقیه با استبداد شاهنشاهی و استیلای اجانب مبارزه کردند، اما با دو خط مشی کاملا متفاوت. آقا سید رضا هرگز از وجوهات شرعیه استفاده نکرد و به شدت با ولایت فقیه، حکومت دینی و دخالت روحانیت در مناصب اجرایی مخالف بود. او مقرب ترین شاگرد آقا شیخ عبدالکریم استادش، نزدیک ترین روحانی به دکتر محمد مصدق قهرمان ملی شدن صنعت نفت، مؤسس نهضت مقاومت ملی پس از کودتای ننگین ۲۸ مرداد ۳۲ ، شاخص ترین روحانی مدافع جبهه ملی، و در زمره فعال‌ترین منتقدان روحانی آقای خمینی محسوب می شود.
زنجانی پس از اظهار نظر آقای خمینی درباره مصدق گفت: «آن مرحوم بدون تردید مسلمان معتقدی بود و اسلام را بالاتر از آن می دانست که آن را وسیله پیش‌برد مقاصد سیاسی و جلب افکار قرار بدهد. کدامیک از نخست وزیران و وزیران قبلی و بعد کابینه ایشان مسلمان تر از ایشان بودند؟ او شخصیت سیاسی بود نه مبلّغ رسمی مذهب
حکومت مطلوب زنجانی حکومت ملی یا حکومت قانون یا حکومت دموکراتیک بوده نه حکومت دینی. زنجانی همانند استادش آقا شیخ عبدالکریم حائری یزدی با ولایت سیاسی فقیه کاملا مخالف است و برای فقیه بیش از تصدی امور حسبیه آن هم از باب قدر متیقن قائل نبود. زنجانی از تصویب مذهب رسمی در قانون اساسی شجاعانه انتقاد می کند. تصویب چنین اصلی هیچ کمکی به تشیع نمی کند.
کتابی که از سوی شورای عالی قضایی در سال ۱۳۶۴ منتشر شده بدون هرگونه سند و مدرکی زنجانی را متهم کرده که قصد داشته آقای خمینی را تکفیر کند! مسئولین قضایی کشور هر نقدی را تکفیر فرض کرده اند.
آقای زنجانی از منتقدین جدی منش و روش آقای خمینی بوده است. آقا سید رضا زنجانی در اعلامیه ۱۸ خرداد ۱۳۶۰ خود که در هیچ جریده جمهوری اسلامی امکان انتشار نیافته و برای نخستین بار منتشر می شود نوشته است:
«هیأت حاکمه فعلی- در اثر ضعف درک سیاسی و غفلت از رعایت مقررات اسلامی و قانون اساسی که خود واضع آن بودند و اختلاف داخلی و عدم رعایت ارزشهای انسانی و آداب شرعی - ملت و مملکت را با خطرات وحشتنناکی مواجه ساخته اند
«چنین احساس می شود که اهتمام هیأت حاکمه فقط به ادامه حیات و سلطه خود می باشد، به هر وسیله و به هر قیمت. کلمه‌ی مبارکه‌ی اسلام بدون رعایت محتوی و مقررات آن در عمل و قتل و حبس و تهدید و هتک و اخذ اموال بدون مجور شرعی و عرفی و تهمت ضدانقلاب و غیرها برای همین منظور به کار گرفته می شود
زنجانی دو خطر را با توضیح بیشتر آورده یکی خطر شکست در جنگ تحمیلی و دیگری گروههای فشار. وی از علل شروع جنگ بر شعار «صدور انقلاب» به عنوان «اشتباه سیاسی» انگشت می گذارد. دیگری «خطر تسلط دسته‌جاتی بنام حزب الله (برعکس نهند نام زنگی کافور) - که از ناحیه‌ی بعضی شعبات حکومتی بطور غیرعلنی مورد حمایت قرار گرفته اند - بر جان و حیثیت و آزادی مردم».
دهانهای ناپاکی در تشییع جنازه سید رضا زنجانی - که ده سال از آقای خمینی مبارزه با آمریکا را زودتر آغاز کرده بود - شعار مرگ بر آمریکا سردادند. آنکه در خفقان آریامهری بر جنازه قهرمان ملی کردن صنعت نفت نماز خواند در جمهوری اسلامی آقای خمینی با شعار ضداسلامی «ملی گرا کافر است» به خاک سپرده شد. تف بر این روزگار سفله پرور. حزب اللهی ‌هایی که جنازه این عالم ربانی را با شعار مرگ بر منافق بدرقه کرد عمله شیطان بوده اند و خود خبر ندارند.
اگر آقای خمینی بر خلاف موازین مسلم شرع مصدق را غیرمسلم نخوانده بود، پیروان جاهل متجری او اینگونه به اوتاد زمانه اهانت نمیکردند.
آقای خمینی در سوگ هم درس مبارز خود تسلیت نداد و مجلس ترحیم برگزار نکرد. منش و روش آقای زنجانی به سیره علوی نزدیک تر از منش و روش آقای خمینی بوده است.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The Main reason for Neanderthals extinction

The Main reason for Neanderthals extinction

Ahmad Shammazadeh
Stop talking, start doing
My efforts
Who research, finally will find
Endless efforts
Earth pasteurizing!
The cause of the cause
Massive Impact Crater
Additional and supplement of the article
- First impression on the researchers' minds
- What happened to Homo Sapiens?

We know huge populations of Neanderthals during some hundreds of thousands of years, were scattered across many parts of Earth, then between 12000 and 11000 years ago, suddenly disappeared from the planet!!

This has engaged the minds of many paleontologists, anthropologists and other researchers who looking for a logic and acceptable reason for Neanderthals extinction; but none of them could obtain such important reason yet. Some of them, like as prof. Pat Shipman has delivered some personal ideas and point of views as a reason for the extinction!!; and others in different ways.

Stop talking, start doing
why so much of anthropologists have couldn’t find the reason of this basic event yet?
The answer may be so:
Nearly all of them, looking for the reason among their knowledge and experiences limited in the Anthropology frame.
If they had broken this frame down, and put their steps in other scientific fields, and glance at other discoveries, may they would reached their goals.
My efforts
I have followed this mysterious event since 1980. Then, I have finished my first research on anthropology on 1987. My paper published in a Persian scientific periodical after 11 years. By this research which based on some scientific and religious sources, I was sure that the event has not occurred in according to normal conditions; but an especial divine providence has been behind this mysterious event!!
Afterwards I was looking for a scientific reason for the divine providence, because the Almighty God do His willing by its means.

Who research, finally will find
Finally I found the reason of Neanderthals extinction on 2005 and reached my goal; by reading an article on meteorology and changing the climate of Earth, released by prof. Farhanieh in a Persian newspaper on 2001.

I used this research as the main reason for Neanderthals extinction in my article.
My article is unique research on modern anthropology contains a hypothesis which explains “how human evolution has been proceeded exactly”. It has published in some Persian websites since 2005, and some years ago, in my blogs and my page in Academia with following link:

Since 2005 I was looking for a fortune to translate a part of my research in English to introduce my discovery and view of points to non Persian peoples, specially anthropologists and other researchers.

Endless efforts
Some years ago I decided persistently to actualize my decision, but I was needed English source of Dr. Farhanieh’s research. Afterwards, I tried to find a sign of him many times, but failed my efforts.
I found an article in the Smithsonian.com under the title of Massive Impact Crater Found Under Greenland’s Ice, two weeks ago and it motivated my brain to follow the matter one time more and try my chance.

Fortunately I succeeded and found the email of prof. Farhanieh, contacted and asked him about the source of his important and unique article in Persian.
He answered me kindly and wrote me:
The article is based on some BBC TV programs under the title of The Big Chill, I watched them before 2000.”

Then, fortunately I found the videos easily in the U tube, specially The Big Chill 2003 (Full documentary) which explains scientific reasons for changing of Earth climate, by following link:

Earth pasteurizing!
By watching the video I came to this conclusion that The Almighty God Has used an especial method for Neanderthals extinction to replace human beings from Adam and Eve generation, which I have called this method Earth Pasteurizing from Neanderthals existence; because in the video prof. Alley explains surprisingly the climate changing was made so much unbelievable variety, such a way the climate of Earth sometimes would be warm up and then glaciate suddenly several times in a year!! and by hitting his hands to each other quickly, he shows how fast these changes were made!! (This is the main reason for Neanderthals extinction)

The cause of the cause
In the Dr. Farhanieh’s article, the climate changing was considered pretty from different aspects, but something was neglected:
What was the cause of these phenomenal climate changes?

The following article, will answer this question and explains a logic and acceptable cause for this cause!

First publish: 30 Nov. 2018
Second edition: 4 Dec. 2018
Third edition: 11 Dec. 2018
Fourth edition: 14 Dec. 2018
Fifth edition: 20 Dec. 2018
Sixth edition: 2 Jan. 2019

Ahmad Shammazadeh

Massive Impact Crater Found Under Greenland’s Ice

Radar scans and sediment samples indicate a large meteorite blasted through the ice sheet between 3 million and 12,000 years ago

November 15, 2018
Unlike the moon or Mercury, where impact craters dominate the landscape, the pock marks caused by meteorite hits are much harder to find on Earth. That’s because our atmosphere limits the size of space rocks that actually smash into us, and erosion and rainfall often erase traces of ancient impacts. But some of the depressions survive the eons, and researchers have just found one of the largest ever discovered trapped beneath the ice of Greenland’s Hiawatha glacier.
Signs of the crater were first detected by NASA’s Operation Ice bridge, an airborne mission that uses radar to track changes in ice on Greenland’s ice sheet. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen who examined the publically available data noticed an anomaly underneath the ice of Hiawatha that appeared to be a 19 mile wide, 1,000 foot deep crater, which, if confirmed, would be one of the top 25 largest craters known on Earth and the first to be found under the ice. (And it would be big enough to "swallow Washington, D.C. writes Paul Voosen at Science.)
The team then spent three years confirming the NASA data. Satellite images seemed to show a circular depression in the surface of the ice. The team also sent a German research plane equipped with new type of high-powered ice radar to map the crater in stunning detail, getting images of the 1,000 foot crater rim and the up welling in the middle that accompany a meteorite strike. The team also put boots on the ground, collecting samples of sediment from channels washing out of the crater, which included bits of shocked quartz that can only be formed during a high-energy impact. They conclude that there is indeed a crater locked beneath the ice, the team reports in a study published in the journal Science Advances.
The next big questions ask exactly when the meteor hit and what kind of effect it had on the planet.
The crater is exceptionally well-preserved, and that is surprising, because glacier ice is an incredibly efficient erosive agent that would have quickly removed traces of the impact,” says lead author Kurt H. Kjær from the Center for Geo Genetics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark in a press release. “But that means the crater must be rather young from a geological perspective. So far, it has not been possible to date the crater directly, but its condition strongly suggests that it formed after ice began to cover Greenland, so younger than 3 million years old and possibly as recently as 12,000 years ago toward the end of the last ice age.”
Science's Voosen reports that the impact would have been a pretty big global event. It’s believed that to create the crater, the iron meteor that struck Greenland would have to be half a mile to a mile across and would have had the force of a 700 megaton warhead. Such an impact would have been felt hundreds of miles away, would have warmed up that area of Greenland and may have rained rocky debris down on North America and Europe.
Some researchers believe it could have had an even more significant impact. About 12,800 years ago toward the end of the last ice age, the world was steadily warming up. Then, abruptly, the paleoclimate record shows that temperatures plummeted back to ice age norms for about 1,000 years, a cooling period called the Younger Dryas that has no definite explanation. According to one theory, a comet impact in Greenland would have melted ice and diluted the ocean current that transports warm water through the Atlantic, causing a re-freeze. Some have even suggested such an event could have led to massive forest fires in Europe and North America, leading to the end of megafauna like the mastodon and the human communities that hunted them, which also disappear from the record around this time.
It’s a very speculative idea, but if this does turn out to be [the link], it would have had an outsize impact on human history,” Joseph Mac Gregor, a glaciologist with NASA tells Brian Clark Howard at National Geographic.
Additional and supplement of the article:
The first impression on the researchers' minds
The first publication of my article was 30 of Nov., meanwhile a U tube channel has been launched under the title of The 12,000 Year old Comet that Landed on …and Erased Ancient Civilization- Greenland Crater on the 11th of Dec. which I found it last night (13 Dec.)

This is a sign which shows the impressions of my research program on those who seek knowledge and truth. Due to the fact that on its first day of publication, as many as 40 readers noticing, along with several downloading the contents from major cities all across the world.
This was an astonishing statistic by far better than any of my 280 publications.

About the video:
Because the provider of the video may have wished to hide his impression, he has changed the title of “Neanderthals extinction” to "Erased ancient civilization"; and because he is not an anthropologist, he doesn’t know there was no civilization at the time to be erased. The most important prehistoric traces of the European civilization belong to Homo Sapiens, and not belong to Neanderthals or Modern human.

If somebody ask me:
What happened to the Homo sapiens populations at that time?

I’ll answer:
According to a religious source, in order to prevent the conflict between future humans from the Adam and Eve generations and the Homo Sapiens, they are forced to move to far-off lands relative to Asia (such as South America) and some planets.

For this reason, I believe the Southern and the Central American civilizations as like as Nazca, Olmec and Aztec, are civilized generations of Homo Sapiens who remained on Earth, and Extraterrestrials are civilized generations of Homo Sapiens who forced to move to other planets, about 14000 years ago. For more information in this case refer to: A Revolution in Man Evolution

An article in Mail on line by Dan Bloom
Humans Hunting with Dogs: research into the relationship between Sapiens and wolves, the development of hunting techniques, and the effect on Neanderthals.
Always a man's best friend: Dogs bred from wolves helped humans take over from Neanderthal rivals in Europe 40,000 years ago, looks at the symbiotic relationship between Homo sapiens, humans, and Canis lupus, wolves and the significance this may have had over the demise of the Neanderthals.
According to the research of anthropologist Pat Shipman of Pennsylvania State University, this symbiotic relationship developed as wolves herded and trapped prey which were then killed by humans. The meat was then shared. She believes that this 'superior' hunting technique was not one adopted by Neanderthals.
Dr Shipman believes this relationship began some 40,000 years ago, much earlier than the putative view of 10,000 years ago, which contributed significantly to the success of Sapiens at the expense of Neanderthals. The research, which provides the material for her publication 'The Invaders: How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction', is based on early dog remains. She examined 33,000 year old fossils of dogs found in Siberia and Belgium, and looked at how the shapes of their jaws and skulls were different from wild wolves. Although there were similarities, the signs of domestication included shorter snouts, densely-packed teeth and wider jaws.
Editor's Note:
Clearly more archaeological research and evidence is required to clarify the timing of this undisputed relationship. Moreover, the demise of the Neanderthal was not due to any one factor. Finally, despite the fine image from the Tadrart Acacus in Libya (which is not 40,000 years old, more like 12,000) the distinct lack of canine depictions in the rock art of Upper Paleolithic Europe does not flatter this hypothesis.

Read more about the current theories regarding Neanderthals: