Friday, April 15, 2016

ميهن پرستان در زندان ، قوم و قبيله گرايان در حكومت

 ميهن پرستان در زندان ، قوم و قبيله گرايان در حكومت 
 دکتر محمود نجار صادقی

(تاكيد ميكنم همه) همه ياران و نزديكان اين مرد نجيب و ميهن پرست، مهندس سحابى، در حلقه معروف به ملى -مذهبى، مورد ازار و اذيت غير متعارف حكومت قرار دارند . حتى يك نفر را در اين حلقه نمى توان نام برد كه هزينه نداده باشد ، پرسش اساسى اين استكه براستى چرا؟؟؟؟؟؟
چرا اين افراد كه گرايشات ملى ميهنى دارند مورد ازارند ولى افرادى با گرايشات اشكار قوم و قبيله گرايى ( در حد نفرت پراكنى قومى ) در دولت ، مجلس و جاى جاى اين حكومت حضور دارند ! باز هم پرسش اساسى اين استكه براستى چرا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

تعدادى از ياران مهندس سحابى را كه عمدتا در حلقه مجله ايران فردا گرد هم امده بودند را در زير نام مى برم .
١- هاله سحابى :
بارها بازداشت و زندان و در نهايت جوانمرگ شد ، او را در مراسم خاكسپارى پدر ، حراميان ، ناجوانمردانه كشتند .

٢- هدا صابر :
بارها بازداشت و زندان شد و در نهايت در پى اعتصاب غذا در اعتراض به شهادت هاله سحابى در بيمارستان زندان كشتنش

٣-مهندس وحيد ميرزاده :
بارها بازداشت و زندان شد و در نهايت در اثر ابتلا به سرطان جوانمرگ شد ( البته اين عارضه ميراث زندان بود )

٤- تقى رحمانى :
ركورد دار بازداشت و زندان در اين جمهورى پربركت هست كه در نهايت اواره دنيا شد

٥- رضا عليجانى :
بارها بازداشت و زندان و در نهايت اواره دنيا شد .

٦- دكتر سعيد مدنى :
پژوهشگر اجتماعى ، بارها بازداشت و زندان و در نهايت تبعيد به بندرعباس شد .

٧- دكتر احمد زيد ابادى :
بارها بازداشت و زندان و در نهايت تبعيد به گناباد

٨- پروين بختيار نژاد :
بارها بازداشت و زندان و در نهايت اواره دنيا

٩- حسن يوسفى اشكورى :
بارها بازداشت و زندان شد تا استانه ارتداد و اعدام ، در نهايت اواره دنيا

١٠ - نرگس محمدى :
بارها بازداشت و زندان شد و اكنون نيز عليرغم ابتلا به يك بيمارى عصبى ناشى از فشار روانى زندان ، همچنان در زندان هست

١١- دكتر حسين رفيعى:
استاد سابق دانشگاه . بارها بازداشت و زندان ، اخراج از دانشگاه . اكنون نيز در زندان هستند ،

١٣- مسعود لدنى :
بارها بازداشت و زندان و اخراج از كار و قطع حقوق ، ازادى با قرار

١٤- دكتر مسعود پدرام :
پژوهشگر علوم سياسى كه بارها بازداشت و زندانى شدند و اكنون از سرگذشت شان خبرى ندارم.

١٥- دكتر عليرضا رجايى :
فقط اميدوارم ارمغان شوم زندانش به زودى به تندرستى كامل ختم شود ، زندانى نمودن پى در پى اين مرد ارام و نجيب نماد و نشانه ايى از ظلم اشكار در حكومت هست .

١٦- على و كيانا رحمانى :
ياران خردسال مهندس سحابى كه سرگذشت تراژيك و غمبارى دارند . اين دو كودك مظلوم كه از بدو تولد تاوان سنگين و طاقت فرساى زندانى شدن همزمان پدر و مادر را پرداختند و امروز نيز اواره دنيا شدند و تنها دلخوشى ما در اين چند روز گذشته اين شد كه پس از نه ماه توانستند با مادرشان تلفنى از انسوى دنيا حرف بزنند ،

ستم ها و نامردمى ها بر اين گروه از نجيب ترين منتقدان اصلاح طلب و ميهن پرستان دغدغه مند ، با هيچ منطق حكومتدارى حتى از نوع ظالمانه نيز جور در نمى ايد . چون دايه حكومت ندارند ،
و من در شگفتم از اين همه غفلت و جهالت حاكمان

پى نوشت : تصوير سمت راست مهندس سحابى و سمت چپ ، على و كيانا رحمانى در كنار مادر ، خانم نرگس محمدى
Ahmad Shammazadeh
Ahmad Shammazadeh اینها میترسند از فهم و شعوری که در ملی مذهبیها هست میترسند. چون مذهب آنان با مذهب اینان صد در صد تفاوت دارد. مذهب حاکمیت همان است که مارکس گفت: دین افیون ملتهاست؛ و در جمهوری اسلامی میبینیم که هرکه میفهمد در زندان است و هر که افیونی شده طرفدار حاکمیت است؛ البته چیزی کم و زیاد از این طرفداری دنیایشان را ساخته است. اما عاقبت کار از متقین است و نه از آن دنیاداران!!!(والعاقبه للمتقین)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

An unidentified & intelligent creature

An unidentified & intelligent creature

Ahmad Shammazadeh

Researches continue to look for something in sky, on earth, under the oceans etc. but I think, now is the time to consider theories as important means in which we would able to discover many facts of the existence; especially the theories which explain our wide knowledge about beings.

When I was a teenager, many questions was coming to my mind about the existence, such as:
Why The Almighty God has created the world?
How long far the stars from us?
Why human being is created and how long has existed on Earth?
Such as many of young people, have such questions.

Then, I decided to find the answers to them. I followed this idea during my life, and after many years, I became a writer on Ontology, especially on two fields: Cosmology and Anthropology.
During my study on anthropology, I could come to such conclusions:
        The duration of evolution about Human initiated from primates and ended to Neanderthals. They lived on earth 200,000 years.
        Neanderthals extinction happened during a unique, suddenly, unexpected and extremely cold, and surprising glacial period, initiated about 12000 years ago and continued for 1200 years, before Modern human appearance.  
   Then we can claim: nearly all interpretations and explanations about Neanderthals extinction, which have declared by anthropologists are old fashioned and not real.
     Since Altamira paintings age (about 35000 years ago), there used to live an especial creature so-called Homo sapiens on Earth, which created those paintings.
That means, Homo sapiens were living on Earth, thousands years before extinction the huge population of Neanderthals all over the world, and they simultaneously were living with them, decades of thousands years.

They are not human beings, because created from energy and Human being is created from matter. Of course that does not mean they have no physical bodies, because matter and energy are interchangeable to each other. They have a body shape as human with some differences. They appeared on Earth thousands of years before Modern Human appearance at Asia, and were forced to immigrate to regions far from Asia, like as America and Africa continentals.
Moreover, a group of them, who were able to fly, forced to immigrate to other planets. Then, they are still living in our world, also on Earth, but in another Time and their Time is different than ours.
They are highly intelligent and have so much abilities, and capable of doing nearly everything.
Because they started living on Earth so long before us, they have an advanced civilization and are way ahead of us in many aspects, such as scientific and technological progresses.
So-called UFO belongs to them. Every special historic monument or mysterious and strange objects that discoverer have found all over the world and written about them in their books, belong to them.
In scientific terms: they are E.T.

April 12, 2016

Mohsen Sazegara Wednesday 25 Farvardin 1395 Apr 13, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

نظام هماهنگ آفرینش و آفریدگان

نظام هماهنگ آفرینش و آفریدگان

الف- نظام هماهنگ آفریدگان

و من كل شيء خلقنا‌الزوجين لعلكم تذكرون(ذاريات: 49)
از هرچیزی دوجفت آفریدیم باشد که پندگیرید.

زوجین(دو جفت)، در ‹زيست‌شناسي› معناي نروماده مي‌دهد؛ در ‹فيزيك›، معناي قطب مثبت و منفي(مثل آهن‌ربا)، در ‹فيزيك ذرات›، معناي مادّه و ضدمادّه، بار مثبت و منفي(مثل پروتون و الكترون) را مي‌دهد؛ در ‹هواشناسي›، ابر مثبت و منفي كه از برخورد آنها رعدوبرق به‌وجودمي‌آيد، و در ديگر دانش‌ها معناهاي ديگري.

خداوند در آیه زیر بر جفت‌بودن همة آفريدگان، باز هم تأكيدكرده و نكته‌اي در ‹مكانيك› را نيز پشت‌بند آيه كرده‌است. خداوند هم همه‌چيز را جفت آفريده و هم بيان و تأكيد مي‌كند كه چنين است؛ تا هم به ما بگويد مبناي عالم بر هماهنگي و تعادل است؛ (زيرا هنگامي كه اجزای هر آفريده‌ای جفت باشد، در آن هماهنگي ايجادمي‌شود.) و هم بگويد تنها چيزي كه جفت و جزء ندارد خودم هستم، كه آفريده نيستم:

والذي خلق‌الازواج كلها و جعل لكم من‌الفلك والانعام ماتركبون لتستووا علي ظهوره ثم تذكّروا نعمه ربكم اذااستويتم عليه و تقولوا سبحان‌الذي سخّرلنا هذا وماكنا له مقرنين و انّا الي ربنا لمنقلبون و جعلوا له من عباده جزاً ان ‌الانسان لكفور مبين(زخرف: 15ـ 12)

درست است كه فلك يعني كشتي، ولي ما كشتي فضائي هم داريم؛ و درست است كه انعام يعني چهارپا، ولي تمام اتومبيل‌ها نيز چهارپايند. حتا اگر دقت‌كرده‌باشيد متوجه مي‌شويد كه چهارپايان دوبه‌دو پاهايشان را حركت‌مي‌دهند. (يعني نقش جفت در تعادل) پس خداوند در اينجا مسائل مكانيك را نیز براي ايجاد تعادل(لتستووا عليه) ياداورشده. و در شأن او نيست كه سخن ناقصي را بيان دارد و اشاره‌اي به سفينه‌هاي فضائي نكند؛ و نامگذاري و ياداوري او محدود به وسايل آبي و خاكي شود؛ حتا ترن و تراموا نيز ‹فلك› تلقي مي‌شوند.

پس خداوند هروسيله‌اي را(چه طبیعی و چه صنعتی) كه ايجاد تعادلش بر مبناي جفت‌بودن نيست، ‹فلك› نامگذاري كرده؛ و هر وسيله‌اي را كه ايجاد تعادلش بر مبناي جفت‌بودن پايه‌هايش باشد، ‹انعام› تلقي‌كرده‌است.

كشتي، چه آبي و چه فضائي، تعادل خود را با نيروي مكانيكي از نوع ديگري تأمين‌مي‌كنند، اما چهارپايان حيواني و صنعتي با جفت‌بودن ‹پا› يا پايه‌هايشان اين تعادل را برقرارمي‌كنند. دوچرخه نيز چون چرخ‌هايش جفت است و به وسیله فعالیت دو پا حرکت میکند آن هم متعادل است. بالهای هواپیما نیز همانند پرندگان طبیعی جفت هستند.
به همين دليل است كه ورزش و شغلي براي سرگرمي مردم ايجادشده،‌ به‌نام ‹اكروباسي›؛ زيرا آكروبات‌ها تعادل خود را با نيروهاي ديگري به‌دست‌مي‌آورند كه ديگران نمي‌توانند؛ و كارشان جالب‌مي‌شود!

نظام هماهنگ جانداران
آيه‌اي ديگر در زمينة ‹زوج بودن› آفريدگان،‌ ولي اين بار پیرامون آنچه كه از زمين میروید سخن گفته است:
اولم يروا الي‌الارض كم انبتنا فيها من كل زوج كريم ان في ذلك لايه و ماكان اكثرهم مؤمنين و ان ربك لهوالعزيزالرحيم(شعراء: 7، 8، 9)

ترجمة واژگاني: آيا هرگز نمي‌نگرند به‌سوي زمين چه‌اندازه رويانيديم در آن از هر جفت ارزشمندي؟ همانا در آن(زوج‌بودن‌ها) حتماً ‌نشانه‌اي است و نيستند بيشترشان گروندگان؛ و همانا پروردگارت هموست بسيار گرانقدر بسيار مهربان.

واژه رويانيديم در اين آيه تنها به گياهان محدود نمي‌شود، و منظور خداوند همة چيزهايي است كه جفت جفت از زمين برمي‌آيند؛ چنانكه در آيات ديگري داريم نبات كل شيء(انعام: 99) يا به انسان مي‌گويد: ‹انبتكم من‌الارض نباتاً›(نوح: 17) و يا پيرامون حضرت مريم(ع) مي‌فرمايد و انبتها نباتاً حسناً(آل عمران: 37).

در آیه دیگری خداوند ضمن تأکید بر جفت بودن آفریدگان، مشخصاً به گیاهان و انسانها و ناشناخته هایی برای انسانهای زمان نزول قرآن اشاره میکند:
سبحان الذی خلق الازواج کلها مما تنبت الارض و من انفسهم و مما لایعلمون(یس: 36)

خداوند در قرآن کریمش برای بالابردن شناخت ما از هستی، همواره به گونه ای نمادین از برخی آفریدگانش یاد میکند ولی در برخی آیات با گفتن عبارت: آنچه که نمیدانید، مشخصّاً آنچه را که نمیبینیم و از آنها آگاهی نداریم و یا به وجود آنها دست نیافته ایم را نیز یاداورمان میشود، تا هیچ چیز در این کتابی که منظومه هستی است از قلم نیفتد.

با دقت در آیاتی که آوردیم متوجه میشوید که در آیات پیشین همه آفریدگان را یاداورمان شده است ولی در آیه اخیر، چیزهایی را که انسان امروزی میداند و انسان زمان نزول  قرآن نمیدانست، با گفتن مما لایعلمون(از آنچه نمیشناسید) یاداوری کرده است. چه بسا انسان فردا نیز چیزهایی را کشف کند که انسان امروزی نمیداند.

و امّا چه چیزهایی را انسان دیروز نمیدانست و انسان امروزی میداند؟

آنچه از نظر دانش کنونی مشخص شده و انسان دیروز به آن آگاهی نداشت، یکی کروموزوم است در میان آفریدگان جاندار، و دیگری اتم و اجزای آن است در میان آفریدگان بیجان.

بدین ترتیب خداوند از هیچ چیز در کتابش درنگذشته و فروگذا نکرده تا ادعای ما بر اینکه قرآن منظومه هستی یا نمودار هستی نظری است برای چندمین بار به اثبات برسد. (برای شناخت بیشتر و بهتر از کروموزوم در قرآن به چهارپایان ویژه قرآنی یا قرآن و ژنتیک که در محیط وب موجود است، بازگشت شود.)

ب- نظام هماهنگ آفرینش

«اسيدهاي آمينه از خود فعاليت‌هاي نوري نشان‌مي‌دهند. به اين معني كه وقتي در مقابل نور با قطب دايره‌اي قرارگيرند، گروهي صفحه نور را به سمت چپ و گروهي آن را به سمت راست مي‌چرخانند. بر همين اساس اسيدهاي آمينه را ‹راست‌گرد و چپ‌گرد› مي‌گويند و اين خاصيت را ايزومريسم فضائي مي‌نامند».
«نكتة بسيار جالب اينجاست كه وقتي يك پروتئين طبيعي را به اسيدهاي آمينه تجزيه‌مي‌كنيم، تنها اسيدهاي آمينة چپ‌گرد در محيط پيدامي‌شوند؛ يعني در طبيعت تنها اسيدهاي آمينة چپ‌گرد حضوردارند. اين به‌هم‌ريختگي تقارن، همواره از پرسش‌هاي اساسي بيوشيمي‌دانان بود تا اينكه به تازگي نشرية‌ نيوساينتيست در گزارشي اعلام‌كرد گروهي از پژوهشگران فرانسوي به سرپرستي دكتر مايرهانريش به دليل اصلي اين به‌هم‌خوردگي تقارن طبيعت پي‌برده‌اند گروه پژوهشي دكترمايرهانريش محيطي را شبيه‌سازي‌كردند كه به‌جاي محيط مرطوب سطح زمين در سه ميليادرد سال پيش، شبيه ديسك غبار اوليه‌اي بود كه منشأ اصلي سيارات و اجرام سامانه خورشيدي بود نتيجه بسيار شگفت‌انگيز بود. یعنی تنها اسيدهاي آمينة چپ‌گرد تشكيل‌شدند»

"بنابراين به‌نظرمي‌رسد كه اسيدهاي آمينه در زماني پيش از شكل‌گرفتن سطح زمين به وجود‌آمده‌اند. پروفسور مايرهانريش براي تأييد نظرية خود به دو مورد از كشف اسيدهاي آمينة روي شهاب‌سنگهاي يخي كه در زمان غبار اولية ‌پيش‌ستاره‌اي شكل‌گرفته‌بودند، اشاره‌مي‌كند كه همگي چپ‌گرد هستند". روزنامه شرق 26 شهریور 84 - صفحه علم

حال که میدانیم خداوند متعال همه آفریدگان را جفت آفريده و با این روش هماهنگي و تقارن را در هر جزء از هستي ايجادكرده‌؛ این پرسش پیش میآید که:

پس چرا خداوند مایه زندگی را ناهماهنگ آفریده است؟

تنها پاسخ و يا دستكم يكي از پاسخ‌هاي محكم، اين است كه حيات هم متقارن و هماهنگ است و سوي ديگر حيات خود خداوند است كه هميشه‌ زنده و پاینده است.

یعنی: همينكه خداوند کریم تنها زنده‌اي بوده كه بوده و نيستي در او راه نداشته و آن را نیز دوست‌ نداشته، هستی را از خود به ظهوررسانده و مایه زندگی ناهماهنگ (نامتقارن) را از وجود خود در آن جاري ساخته تا كل هستي هماهنگ و متقارن شود.

فروردین 94- احمد شماع زاده

A Modern Model for the Universe

A Modern Model for the Universe

Researches continue to look for something in the sky, on the earth, under the oceans etc. but I think, now is the time to consider theories as important means in which we would able to discover many facts of the existence; especially the theories, which explain our wide knowledge about beings.

When I was a teenager, I many questions was comming to my mind about the existence, such as:
Why The Almighty God has created the world?
How long far the stars from us?
Why human being is created and how long has existed on the earth?
Such as many of young people, have such questions.

Then, I decided to find the answers to them. I followed this idea during my life, and after many years, I became a writer on Ontology, especially on two fields: Cosmology and Anthropology. A modern Model for the Universe, includes an important and basic theory, is the result of my study in cosmology:

Next to the mystery of the existence of the soul and the afterlife, the mystery of the shape of the universe may be considered as the mystery of all mysteries, and most difficult to solve by scientists. Ebrahim Victory, Cosmologist

He is right, but why this mystery, the most difficult to solve by scientists?
To help answer this question is that we are living inside the universe. A child as long as lives at a home can only knows the internal shape of the home. As compared with the universe, that child we are, and only the Almighty God has authority and superiority over the universe and knows its external shape.

The intuitions granted by God:

Expanding shape of the universe
We all have seen a rolled up sheet. If we look at inside of such a sheet, which has as tightly as possible rolled up and then released, which kind of a shape we can see?
The answer is spiral. (Snail’s shell shape)
If we wish to roll up this sheet once again, what can we do?
The answer: we start rolling the central layer up, with the upper layers following the central layer, and all the layers roll upon each other.
The mystery of the creation (Big Bang), also to put an end to it (Big Crunch), is as simple as this example.

The particulars of a snail’s shell
To imagine the universe shape, we can select a snail’s shell as ‘reference body’ with seven layers and then consider the particulars of the universe shape as following:
1. The major mass and gravity force of this body exist in its core.
2.        Every snail’s shell grows up and expands from the core.
3.        The core of this body has not spontaneously created, because it needs an initial motive power.
4.        The further the layers of a snail’s shell away from the core, the further they expand; and get centrifugal force.
5.        The expansion process of a snail’s shell follows special rules; hence, it is in order perfectly.
6.        Every layer has separated from another by a rigid septum.
7.        One of the important particulars of the body with spiral shape is that it can better carry different waves including sound waves.

This explains:
-         Why all instruments transmitting sound waves, such as cochlea in the ears, horn, and trumpet, is spiral - shaped.
-         Why in our modern world, various receivers and transmitters of audio-visual waves are horny shaped; or “spiral” so far as possible?

The cosmic model as a spiral system
Maybe the Almighty God created the lovely snail dragging its cavernous and calcareous shell as a ‘small and temporary home’ on its soft back, to show us the shape of the universe, as a ‘huge and permanent home’ dragging on humanity shoulders, to creep inside, on the Big Crunch.
    To imagine spiral shape of the universe, we can assume our spiral galaxy of Milky Way with a great black hole in its core, as the core of cosmic snail, then consider the galaxy with the seven layers, as the seven layers of the cosmic snail.
Better to imagine mentioned cosmic system with its structure and circumference, we can assume a huge transparent vitreous snail’s shell, looks dark inside, with some bright spots scattered amongst darkness. So the further the layers away from the core, the further the bright spots, and in the last (seventh) layer, many things are bright. Meanwhile we can distinguish the septum of the layers and a blackout core in the center.

Illumination: Every galaxy has two or three layers and snail’s shells, tree or four layers. Then it is difficult to show a visible scheme of spiral shape with seven layers, because we need at least twenty meters wide space or area.

Explanation of such a system:
1.  The seven layers with rigid septum form the “cosmic snail”.
2.   The bright spots, form visible universe. (4% heaviness of the universe)
3.  The rest of the seven layers so called Dark matter. (22%)
4. The blackout core, so called Dark energy, is “cosmic snail core”. (74%)
5.   “Cosmic snail core” is the main feeding source for the cosmic snail, as the expansive “space time”. So, the further the layers of the cosmic snail is near the core, the further the mass and density and slower the time. The time becomes slower because movement becomes slower by gravity, such as no time in the core and the gravity is at the most.

Super gravitation
In attention to discoveries of the COBE and WMAP (only, until 380000 years after Big Bang is visible) and to assume the cosmic snail shape, the gravitational relationship among the Beings parts is, as following:
 1.       The Visible universe: the gravitation of the moons are attached to the planets, the planets to the stars, the stars to the galaxies, the galaxies to the galactic clusters, and them to the galactic super clusters, etc.
 2.       The Dark matter: the gravitation of the visible universe (4%) attached to the Dark matter (22%) which spread all over the cosmic snail.
attached to the Dark energy (74%).

3.       The Dark energy: the Dark matter gravitation
Super gravitation: the gravitation of the Dark energy attached to the Supreme Being.
Then, “super gravitation” is the Almighty God.

Trinity cosmos (3M universes)
In attention to above achievements, we can announce and proclaim that our interpretation of beings is that we can recognize three forms of the universes, which form the ‘cosmos’ as following:

Main universe (cosmic snail core) called Dark energy (singularity universe) with these substantive particulars:
         It is the main feeding source for the ‘cosmic snail’ as the expansive “space time” with any “space time” and expansion itself. It is the “constants universe” meanwhile is not a “constant universe”.
         Its essence is of quantum, and its quality is of absolute light.
         it seems blackout and invisible; because of having the most mass and density, like as a huge and singular powerful black hole.
         It loses some of its energy, like as every other source; but the changes are very insignificant.

Middle universe called Dark matter (light and power universe) with these functions:
         It is the coordinator and preserver between main and mini universes.
         It plays the role of an active regulator with safety regulations to control the cosmic system affairs.
         It is the factory of galaxy making. It takes energy over ‘main universe’ (input) and after a process of actions and reactions, sends them probably through wormholes to the visible universe (output). Dark energy is so much powerful, that it is actually impossible to produce directly something visible.
         Reconstruction: dead stars like as black dwarf, comeback to this factory through black holes for reconstruction; because nothing spoiled in the system and all the changes are merely displacement and rearrangement of the energy, the matters, and the waves.

Mini universe called visible universe (multiplicity universe) we know relatively its specifications.

 Scientific justification of the model:
1.        Some years before Edwin Hubble discovery of the universe expansion, Alexander Friedman had got two simple hypothesizes on 1922:
         The universe looks generally the same from any point of vantage.
         No part of it is exactly is identical to any other part, still its overall makeup is the same everywhere.
2.    a couple of American physicists: Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson declared on 1965, that the sounds come from outer space, before reach us, they have passed through great parts of the universe; furthermore, these waves are monotonous and homogeneous in various directions. Then they came to a good conclusion: The Universe is “Isotropic” in greater scales.
3. No better isotropic shape than spiral (snail’s shell) shape, among the geometrical shapes can be found. Then THE UNIVERSE SHAPE IS SPIRAL.

1.        According to General Relativity Theory, the matter changes and twists the surrounding space, and contorts it out of the usual shape, then the further the mass and density of the matter in a certain field, the further its curvature.
2.        The center of a snail’s shell has the most mass, density and curvature.
3.        According to the Doppler Effect and the achievements of the Big Bang, the center of universe should have the most density and plaits.

1.       Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered microwave background radiation, using a very large horny shaped receiver, and they declared that the universe entirely filled with this radiation; and this discovery won them the Noble Prize.
 2.       Had the receiver not been horny shaped, this discovery would not have been possible (since horn has a partial snail’s shell shape).
3.       Had the universe not been spiral - shaped, it could not have retained this radiation since the Big Bang.

Efficiencies of the model:
1. Proving the existence of enough energy in the main universe, to justify the Big Crunch and to believe the universe has purposefully created. Deliver a valuable idea in this case by NASA / WMAP Science Team:
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is leftover radiation from the Big Bang stretched by the universe's expansion into the microwave region of the spectrum. In this image, NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) records minuscule temperature fluctuations in the CMB as different colors.
In principle, an advanced civilization could create a universe and encode information in the CMB that would let civilizations in the offspring universe, know that their universe has purposefully created.
2. Substantiation the Einstein view about cosmic curvature and refuting the devious ideas has expressed by some cosmologists in this field.
3. Correction of the Hubble Law
Hubble said:
The further a galaxy away from the earth, the greater its velocity of escape.
He declared this view, because he had not known the shape of the universe; otherwise, he would have said: The further a galaxy away from main universe, the greater its velocity of escape.
4. Correction of the Hawking view about the universe shape
Prof. Hawking has written a book and titled The Universe in a Nut’s shell. He chose such a title, because he had not known the shape of the cosmos; otherwise, he would have titled his book: The Universe in a Snail’s shell; but his idea about hardness of the universe’s shell as a nut’s shell or snail’s shell, is admirable.
5.        Resolving many problems in the cosmological fields for example, scientific struggle between Harlow Shapley and Herbert D. Curtis in 1920. Then, Hubble explanation in this field maybe rejected.
In attention to “the further the layers of the cosmic snail near the core, the further the mass and density, and slower the time” and assume hardness of the cosmic snail septum, many of the distance measures according to the Hubble constant measurements, maybe needed to revise. 
It seems our theory will call the Hubble Law defenders to challenge. Because another problem with estimating the size of the universe, is curvature of space-time as we believe in spiral shape for the universe also held by the general theory of relativity. This curvature also would affect measurements of distance based on the passage of light through space from objects.
6.        Rejection the idea of colliding and merge the closing galaxies. Galaxies move in the layers of cosmic snail with rigid septum; and the layers are upon each other. The cosmologists suppose all the closing galaxies will collide and merge in together, but at least while two galaxies are in the separate layers, is not so, however near they may be. This viewpoint will solve many of the problems in cosmology field.
7.        Refining the views of cosmologists about the problems which may occur in the future or even nowadays; for example, COBE achievements: 
The maximum frequency of the radiation intensity is different in a special direction rather than others; in other words, we can find a superior direction in the space; WMAP confirmed this viewpoint in May 2005 too.
None of the existing scientific theories can explain this problem; meanwhile, only belief in the cosmic snail and its powerful core (main universe) justify such special direction. 
8. Consideration how the aphelion and perihelion have created:
Perhaps nobody has yet answered this question, why the sun (or any other star or even planet) has not settled in the center of its elliptical orbit, therefore, the aphelion and perihelion, should have be created?   
The answer: it is because of the cosmic spiral shape. In the cosmic snail, the “velocity of escape” is greater than “core’s gravitational attraction”; therefore, the aphelion and perihelion should have created. This also explain how the orbits of the planets and stars, are elliptical.
9. Meanwhile, we also shall find the answers of many of the questions; for example, why according to Kepler’s second law, the orbital velocity is variable; and the planets have retrograde motion?
The answers are also concealed in the cosmic snail, and because the velocity of escape, is greater than core’s gravitational attraction.
10. This theory can help us to reach the targets of establishment the Large Hadron collider too.

Are cosmologists searching out a Final Theory?
It seems this theory would be able unsettlingly to solve all cosmological problems, therefore we can ask:
Maybe this theory, replace the Theory of Everything, which guides us to a Final Theory?
For accession to a Final Theory in the future, we must accept this theory at first; because it seems impossible otherwise.

"Huge questions remain to be answered before we can hope to have a complete picture of the universe we live in. I want you to share my excitement at the discoveries, past and present, which have revolutionized the way we think. From the Big Bang to black holes, from dark matter to a possible Big Crunch, our image of the universe today is full of strange sounding ideas, and remarkable truths. The story of how we arrived at this picture is the story of learning to understand what we see."

Question: is really the shape of the universe so, that cosmologists suppose for example as following?

Princeton University theorist Paul Steinhardt, who helped pioneer inflation in the early 1980s, calls the WMAP result "a milestone achievement." He says theorists have spent years developing more exotic types of inflation models that require new fields or fine-tuning mechanisms. "This milestone means that many of these exotic ideas are out the window, which cleans up the field a lot," he says. But he also points out that the new WMAP results are consistent with another idea that he helped develop: that our universe occasionally collides with another universe in higher-dimensional space-time, leading to endlessly repeating cycles of Big Bangs and expansion. WMAP team members agree that this cyclic model is consistent with their results, and that a next-generation satellite is needed to determine which model, if either, explains our universe.
First edition: March, 2005

Attachment (April 2016):

The forerunner of the really shape of the Universe

When I wrote the Persian text of A Modern Model for the Universe fifteen years ago (2001), I was thinking that a day would come in which cosmologists will reach my theory about the shape of the Universe, and it would has been confirmed.
Recently, I have found an article in the web and considered it as the forerunner of my idea. Now you can see a brief of the article as following:

Is space-time shaped like a SPIRAL?
Universe has a 'golden ratio' that keeps everything in order, researchers claim
  • South African researchers say the universe is governed by a 'golden ratio'.
  • They say space-time itself is defined by this mathematical constant.
  • The ratio (1.618) is found across nature in plants, hurricanes and more.
  • But the researchers say it is also ever-present in the universe.
  • This means it might make up space-time itself.
Published: 13:49 GMT, & Updated: 14:27 GMT, 5 December 2014

A cosmic constant known as the ‘golden ratio’ is said to be found in the shape of hurricanes, elephant tusks and even in galaxies.
Now researchers say this ratio is also seen in the topology of space-time, affecting the entire universe as a whole.
And they say this number can be used to link everything in the universe together, from space-time to chemistry to biology.
South African researchers have claimed that the universe is governed by a 'golden ratio'. They say space-time itself is defined by this mathematical constant. The ratio - 1.618 - is found across nature in plants, hurricanes and more (shown). But the researchers say it is also ever-present in the universe. The research was carried out by Dr. Jan Boeyens at the University of Pretoria and Dr. Francis Thackeray of the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
They say the golden ratio - 1.618 - can be seen ‘related not only to aspects of mathematics but also to physics, chemistry, biology and the topology of space-time, and it may dictate how certain things in the universe take shape. 
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