دگرگونی اساسی در نظریه تکامل انسان
همراه با متن انگلیسی
احمد شماع زاده
احمد شماع زاده
خدای را شکر که انتظار
به سر آمد و دانشمندان هم معتقد شدند که موجودی جز انسان بر روی کره زمین میزیسته
است. این اولین بار در تاریخ انسانشناسی است که یک کشف علمی نظریه داروینسم را به
چالشی عمیق میکشاند که گریز از آن کار ساده ای نیست!
شاید دانشمندانی بودند که این عقیده را داشتند ولی آرزو داشتم روزی فرارسد تا با مقایسه ژنتیک انسان و جن به این حقیقت
دستیابند که همین گونه شد و در این پژوهش علمی مشخص میشود که این مقایسه صورت
گرفته و هیچ شباهتی میان این موجود کشف شده و انسان وجود ندارد. این سندی است که
هیچ دانشمندی نمیتواند آن را انکار کند.
اکنون با افتخار میگویم آنانکه پژوهش "جن در قرآن" یا "جن موجودی که از نو باید شناخت" را خوانده اند دوباره بخوانند و آنانکه نخوانده اند بخوانند تا بدانند که قرآن کریم تا چه اندازه دقیق و کامل جن را به تصویر کشیده و نیز بدانند کسی که به قرآن اعتماد کند یقینا راه را از بیراهه تمیز خواهد داد. گفتنی است که این پژوهش قرآنی در بیش از بیست پایگاه وب وجود دارد و تصورمیشود دستکم چند صد هزار نفر از سال 1384 تاکنون آن را خوانده اند.
بررسی یافته های تازه
در ویدئو اول که مصاحبه با یک انسانشناس است در یک جا اشاره ای میشود به اینکه دهها سال پیش در فرانسه کشفی از انسانهای ناشناخته صورت گرفته است. از خود پرسیدم اگر چنین است پس چرا تاکنون دستکم برای آنانی که به دنبال چنین کشفیاتی بوده اند روشنگری نشده و برای همگانی کردن آن کوششی صورت نگرفته است؟
خوشبختانه پس از لحظاتی مصاحبه کننده موضوع
داروینیسم را پیش میکشد و پژوهشگر به نکته ای مهم و جالب اشاره میکند و میگوید:
دانشمندان در ذهن خود داروینسم را اصل قرار داده و هر کشفی که آن را به چالش
بکشاند به کناری میگذارند و از آن رد میشوند. سپس عکس پروفسور هاپکینز را نشان
میدهد که تصور میشود منظور از آن دانشمندان یکی هم هاپکینز زیست شناس شهیر آمریکایی است. و
بدین ترتیب پاسخ پرسش خود را میگیرم و متوجه مشوم چرا تاکنون این نکته های مهم
از تاریخ تکامل و شناخت انسان در بوته ای از ابهام و ایهام قرار گرفته است.
نکته دیگری که مصاحبه کننده به آن چند بار اشاره میکند موضوع توفان و سیل نوح و از میان رفتن بسیاری از موجودات است و میپرسد پس مهاجرت چگونه صورت گرفته؟ مصاحبه شونده پاسخی میدهد که باز تأیید کننده حقیقی بودن حدیث دومی است که در آغاز پژوهش دیگرم زیر عنوان جایگاه جنیان و آدمیان در سیرتکاملی انسان آورده ام و اساس نظریه ام را پیرامون تکامل انسان شکل میدهد و یکی از نکته های آن مهاجرت اجباری و بر اساس مشیت الهی جنها به نقاط دور دست زمین و دیگر سیاره هاست.
نکته دیگر اینکه در این ویدئو و در متن از موجودی یاد میشود که نامش در انجیل(تصور میکنم عهد عتیق باشد و نه عهد جدید) با عنوان نفیلیم آمده است و سیزده جمجمه به دست آمده در کاوشهای مکزیکو را به آنان نسبت میدهند و نیز اشاره میشود که در ادیان دیگر و در میان افسانه های سرخپوستان از چنین موجودی یاد شده ولی متأسفانه به قرآن و اسلام که بهترین معرفی را از این موجود ناشناخته دارد هیچ اشاره ای نمیشود. این در حالی است که نگارنده در مقدمه جن در قرآن آورده ام "اگر دانشمندان مسیحی به وجود جن معتقد شوند که مسیحیان نیز به آن باوردارند بسیاری از مشکلات باستانشناسی و انسانشناسی آنان رفع خواهدشد".
بنابراین شایسته است در اینجا متن نامه ام به اریک فون دنیکن آورده شود تا مشخص شود هرچه از دستم بر میآمده برای آشناکردن دانشمندان و پژوهشگران با رهنمودهای قرآن کریم انجام داده ام:
Dear Dr. Erich
Von Daniken
I would like to
discuss some ideas regarding so-called “ Gods ” which you use them frequently
in your books. Please have a glance at this brief note and I would appreciate
if you can express your opinions in a reply.
As you are
aware, there used to live a creature on Earth which anthropologists have called
them “Homo Sapiens“ (The Cro-Mognons). In my opinion, the Cro-Mognons were
non-humans. They lived after Neanderthals and before modern man. They were made
of energy. Human beings are made of matter.
Of course that
does not mean they do not have physical bodies, as you know matter and energy
are interchangeable.
They have a body
shape as human with some differences. They appeared on the earth thousands of
years before Modern Human. They are still living in our world and also on the
Earth in another time and dimension. Their time is different than ours.
Before the
modern human been appeared in Asia, they were forced to immigrate to places on
the Earth which were far from Asia, like America and Africa. Moreover, a group
of them, who had the ability to fly, were forced to immigrate to other planets.
They are highly
intelligent and have lots of intellectual and brain abilities, they are capable
of doing nearly, everything. In my view, the reason is they started to evolve
on Earth so long before us and now they are an advanced civilization and are
way ahead of us in every aspects such as technological progression.
In my opinion,
So called “ UFO “s belong to them. Every special historical monuments all
over the world, or mysterious and strange objects that you and other
researchers have found and written about them in books belong to and are made
by them. The first time you called them “ Gods “ in your books.
My request is that it is the time you change
their name to “Jinn”. Because they are Jinn, not Gods and they are created by
the almighty GOD of course. In scientific terms you can call them ET.
If you do not
agree with my idea, at least consider it as an opinion, and please think about
Best regards,
Ahmad Shammazadeh
Dear Dr. Erich
Von Daniken
I would like to
discuss some ideas regarding so-called “ Gods ” which you use them frequently
in your books. Please have a glance at this brief note and I would appreciate
if you can express your opinions in a reply.
As you are
aware, there used to live a creature on Earth which anthropologists have called
them “Homo Sapiens“ (The Cro-Mognons). In my opinion, the Cro-Mognons were
non-humans. They lived after Neanderthals and before modern man. They were made
of energy. Human beings are made of matter.
Of course that
does not mean they do not have physical bodies, as you know matter and energy
are interchangeable.
They have a body
shape as human with some differences. They appeared on the earth thousands of
years before Modern Human. They are still living in our world and also on the
Earth in another time and dimension. Their time is different than ours.
Before the
modern human been appeared in Asia, they were forced to immigrate to places on
the Earth which were far from Asia, like America and Africa. Moreover, a group
of them, who had the ability to fly, were forced to immigrate to other planets.
They are highly
intelligent and have lots of intellectual and brain abilities, they are capable
of doing nearly, everything. In my view, the reason is they started to evolve
on Earth so long before us and now they are an advanced civilization and are
way ahead of us in every aspects such as technological progression.
In my opinion,
So called “ UFO “s belong to them. Every special historical monuments all
over the world, or mysterious and strange objects that you and other
researchers have found and written about them in books belong to and are made
by them. The first time you called them “ Gods “ in your books.
My request is that it is the time you change
their name to “Jinn”. Because they are Jinn, not Gods and they are created by
the almighty GOD of course. In scientific terms you can call them ET.
If you do not
agree with my idea, at least consider it as an opinion, and please think about
Best regards,
Ahmad Shammazadeh
These Ancient Elongated Skulls Are NOT HUMAN
Are you ready to be confronted with evidence that will directly contradict the version of “world history” that you were taught in school? In recent years, hundreds of extremely bizarre skulls have been discovered all over the planet. Scientific tests that have been conducted on some of them conclusively prove that these ancient elongated skulls are NOT HUMAN. Many people are not able to accept what you are about to see because it is too radical for them. But the truth is that ancient texts have been telling us about these “hybrid beings” for thousands of years. There are even some ancient Indian traditions that claim that these creatures were in North America before the Indians were. In fact, there is even one ancient Indian tradition about a war between a tribe of Indians and a race of red-haired cannibalistic giants. The Bible refers to these hybrids as “the Nephilim”, and as time goes by the evidence keeps piling up that they were very, very real.
Down in Peru, particularly on the Paracas peninsula, researchers have
been finding some very large elongated skulls that are extremely
ancient. On his Facebook page, Brien Foerster posted a photo of one of these ancient skulls that still has red hair on it…
Another specimen with red hair was just recently discovered. But
this one was the skull of a young child. This photo is also from Brien
Foerster’s Facebook page…
These elongated skulls are much, much larger than normal human skulls
would be. Purposeful cranial deformation can change the shape of a
skull, but it cannot increase the volume of the skull.
In addition, these skulls have quite a few other important physical
characteristics that greatly set them apart from normal human skulls.
Brien Foerster discusses some of these key differences in the following five minute video…
برای دیدن ویدیو ها به سایت منبع مراجعه کنید.
In a recent interview with the Examiner,
Foerster explained that his research has led him to the conclusion that
these creatures are either “a different species” or are “a mix of human
and alien DNA”…
Examiner: In a recent video, “Alien Hybrid Human Baby Found In Peru?,” you show the remains of a baby with an elongated skull as well as a fetus with an elongated skull. Do you have any theories why these babies may have developed naturally with misshapen skulls?
Foerster: These examples are completely natural in shape, and have enormous cranial volume. They are either a different species from us, or, possibly, are a mix of human and alien DNA.
A sample of the red hair from one of these skulls was sent to a lab
to be analyzed. What was discovered was absolutely mind blowing. You
can watch researcher L.A. Marzulli discuss what the lab found starting
at the ten minute mark of the following video…
برای دیدن ویدیو ها به سایت منبع مراجعه کنید.
Other teams of researchers have come to similar conclusions about
these ancient elongated skulls. For example, the following is an
excerpt from a Daily Mail article that was posted back in 2011…
A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens.
The strangely shaped head – almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body – has baffled anthropologists.
It was one of two sets of remains found in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi.
When an international team of anthropologists studied the skull that was found, they also agreed that it was “not a human being“…
Davila Riquelme said three anthropologists, from Spain and Russia, arrived at the museum last week to investigate the findings and agreed it was ‘not a human being’ and would conduct further studies.
He added: ‘Although the assessment was superficial, it is obvious that its features do not correspond to any ethnic group in the world.’
Another ancient skull that has caused a lot of controversy in recent
years is the so-called “Starchild Skull”. The following is a photo of
the “Starchild Skull” compared with the skull of a normal human…
Obviously the physical differences are very great. But the Starchild Project
wanted to go even farther. They wanted to do extensive DNA testing on
the skull to determine how close to human this creature actually was…
For 13 years we at the Starchild Project have known the Starchild Skull came from a being that was not entirely human, if human at all. First, it shares no physical characteristics with a normal human skull—none! Unfortunately, this astounding divergence in physical points of comparison never impressed mainstream scientists because they could, and often did, glibly explain all of them away by insisting: Nature can do anything! But that was never true.
Nature actually functions by strict rules that confine life to well-defined boundaries outlined by the unique genetic code of each species. No laws are more firmly established than the laws of genetics. Fifty eye-witnesses can say that a person committed a crime, but if DNA shows otherwise, the witnesses are ignored. DNA dominates in courts because it is the math of biology. It says what it says, again and again, with consistency you can stake your life on.
When they came back, the DNA test results were absolutely shocking. The following is a brief excerpt from the report…
In terms of this all-important mtDNA in the Starchild, our geneticist has recovered four reasonably large fragments which together total 1,583 base pairs, or 9.55% of the 16,569 base pair total for humans. As before, this is only a partial result, but also as before, it is highly indicative of what the final result of a full mtDNA genome analysis will be.
Within those 1,583 base pairs, the Starchild carries a grand total of 93 variations that are different from the extremely highly conserved human mtDNA genome. That is 93 in only 9.5% of the genome! It’s already near to the maximum of 120 variations in human mtDNA. If we do a simple but highly reliable mathematical extrapolation, expanding the 9.5% out to 100% (times 10.5) we find that 93 established variations extrapolates out to 977 variations!
You can read the rest of the report right here, and I have posted video of researcher Lloyd Pye discussing the Starchild skull below…
For even more on all of this, please check out my previous article entitled “13 Nephilim Skulls Found In Mexico?”
The evidence continues to mount that “people” other than humans once roamed the earth. The Bible refers to them as “the Nephilim“.
Other ancient texts have other names for them. The Paiute Indians
claim to have once fought a war against a race of red-haired
cannibalistic giants in Nevada. In fact, a handprint from one of those
giants can still be found in a nearby cave.
But many people out there will never be willing to even consider any
of this. Since it does not fit with the “accepted view of history” that
they have always been taught, they will just dismiss all of this
without even evaluating the evidence.
What about you?
What do you think about all of this?
Please feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment below…
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth. His new thriller entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on Amazon.com.
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